How do I place bets on P2PBet
P2PBet is decentralized and permissionless. You will need a Web3-enabled wallet to connect to the P2PBet and place bets. We recommend MetaMask. MetaMask can be downloaded from the link below.
MetaMask: https://metamask.io/
Please remember to save your seed phrase and keep it secure. If you lose access to your seed phrase, it will be impossible to recover your funds. NEVER share this with anyone, including the P2PBet team.
What chain does P2PBet run on?
P2PBet runs on top of Azuro Protocol. A decentralized betting protocol comprised of independent participants. Azuro is designed to be cross-chain, more chains will be added in the future. The following chains are currently supported:
Polygon (MATIC)
On Polygon Mainnet you make bets with USDT paying for gas with MATIC.
Last updated